The Benefits of Tobacco That Many People Don't Know

Tobacco is an agricultural product that is processed from the leaves of plants of the genus Nicotiana. Tobacco can be consumed, used as a pesticide, and in the form of nicotine tartrate can be used as medicine. If consumed, tobacco is generally made into cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc. In a cigarette, there are various benefits contained in it. One of the benefits of smoking activities that had been examined by the community allowed smoking in several sub-districts in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, they said that smoking helped in the relaxation process after work. According to them, smoking can help calm down and eliminate the fatigue that is being suffered after work.

Unfortunately the benefits of smoking, as well as other benefits of tobacco leaves, seem to be ignored and underestimated by the various forms of campaigns that corner tobacco. Ragan's campaign form ended in a terrible campaign written on each pack of cigarettes sold on the market: Cigarettes Killing You!

Is it really like that? Is it true that tobacco does have to be so hated and feared that it is campaigned as such. Here are some of the benefits of tobacco as well as cigarette products.

1. Expel Pests In gardening activities,

Tobacco leaves can be used as anti-pest. Lice that attack the leaves, stem rod pests, and spiders that nest in plants that are planted, can be evicted using tobacco leaves mixed with water. Farmers in several places have used the properties of tobacco leaves for a long time.

2. Medication for skin rashes, eczema and rheumatism

In the treatment of skin rashes, eczema and rheumatism, tobacco leaves are used as medicine by compressing them into the parts released by the disease. Tobacco leaves are crushed to a rather fine, then distributed to the injured body part. This treatment has long been used for traditional medicine in the India.

3. Toothache

Treatment of tobacco leaf bales can also be used to relieve pain caused by toothache. Tobacco which is ground until smooth and then distributed to the swollen part due to toothache.

4. Flu

A mixture of tobacco leaves and leptotaenia multifida are used to help treat colds and coughs. In addition, this mixture plus Indian balsam root is believed to also cure asthma and tuberculosis.

5. Mental Medicine

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, people who suffer from mental disorders such as ADHD / ADD, schizophrenia, and other disorders may experience the positive effects of smoking. Apparently, the dose of nicotine has the effect of short-term normalization on electrical activity in the brain. For Alzheimer's disease also benefits from nicotine doses. According to the study, the patient's cognitive abilities improved slightly.

6. Produces anticancer proteins

The Biotechnology Research Center of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has conducted research by replicating proteins from the human body into tobacco leaves. This tobacco leaf can be used for stem cell and cervical cancer.

7. Anti Inflammation

Scientists from several European research institutions participated in a project titled "Pharma-Planta" led by Professor Mario Pezzotti of the University of Verona. They make transgenic tobacco that produces interleukin-10 (IL-10), which is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is capable of producing proteins that stimulate immune cells to be active

8. HIV / AIDS drugs

Still based on research conducted by Professor Mario Pezzoti, tobacco can also produce the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug protein that causes AIDS, called griffithsin. The difference is not the tobacco that produces protein, but the tobacco virus.

9. Rabies medicine

Reporting from St George's University of London said, research on tobacco that can treat rabies,genetically engineered tobacco plants can be used to produce protective antibodies that are safe against the deadly rabies virus.

This makes it possible to provide relatively inexpensive drugs for rabies that will benefit patients in developing countries. Scientists have succeeded in producing antibodies in transgenic tobacco plants (genetically altered plants) that have been proven to neutralize the rabies virus.

This new monoclonal antibody works by preventing the virus from attaching to the nerve endings around the site of the bite and making the virus not spread to the brain. Monoclonal antibodies are complex proteins, originally derived from the immune system, but in this case they are made in plants to fight disease. The antibodies are also proven to be active in neutralizing various rabies viruses.

That is a bit of the many benefits of tobacco plants that can be used in addition to being the main ingredient in making cigarette products.